Monday 2 July 2012

How to create strong and easy to remember passwords

Lots of online accounts , lots of passwords . Managing passwords have become difficult these days , some people are still using passwords like 'password' or '123456'. It is dangerous to use only one password for all your online accounts. So you must create a strong and unique password which is easy to remember and difficult to crack.

Characteristics of a Good password :

  • It is not a dictionary word .
  • It contains special characters and numbers . 
  • It contains a mix of upper case and lower case letters .
  • It has a minimum length of 8 characters .
  • It is not related to your personal information like birth date , name , phone number etc .

Tips for creating strong passwords:

  • Randomly replace letters with numbers , e.g. phones becomes ph0n35 .
  • Pick a sentence and reduce it to first letter of each word only , e.g. "HAVING A HEALTHY DISREGARD FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE" becomes HAHDFTI .
  • Take a word and reverse spell it , e.g. laptop becomes potpal .
  • Don't use common substitutions , e.g. @ for 'A/a' .
  • Pick a pattern on your keyboard and type it with alternate use of SHIFT key , e.gZsE4%rDxCfT6 .
  • Use your own creativity in replacing letters with numbers and special characters .
  • You can use your base password for each of your online accounts , e.g. H@HD4T!:)GMa for your Gmail account or H@HD4T!:)Fb for your Facebook account . 
  • You can use password managers like LastPass and OpenID .

25 Worst passwords of 2011:

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. abc123
  6. monkey
  7. 1234567
  8. letmein
  9. trustno1
  10. dragon
  11. baseball
  12. 111111
  13. iloveyou
  14. master 
  15. sunshine
  16. ashley
  17. bailey
  18. passw0rd
  19. 123123
  20. shadow
  21. 654321
  22. superman
  23. qazwsx
  24. michael
  25. football
Hope you are not using any one of them.

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